If you feel like you are missing client and customer opportunities because your organization and your employees communicate in only one or two languages, you are not alone, and we can help.
WWTC has speech translation software that provides automatic voice translation through a webpage. You just go to the webpage and talk. There is nothing to download or install.
WWTC has speech translation software that provides automatic voice translation through a webpage. You just go to the webpage and talk. There is nothing to download or install.
- Automatic voice interpretation
- Multi-language web conferencing
- Multi-language live events
- Cross-language communication
- Virtual interpreter
- Forms translation (Static and Dynamic)
- Text reader
- Male and female voices
- Custom voices
- Captions and subtitles
- Dictation and transcription
- Session capture
- Multi-layer translation service
- Translate to/from 93 languages
- Multi-language document management system
See if this sounds like you:
- Your employees, partners, and customers speak more foreign languages than they did 5 years ago?
- You are growing/want to grow your customer footprint across the country? Across the globe?
- Your daily business environment and/or live and virtual events, conferences, meetings and webinars bring people from different nationalities/languages together?
- Your employees, customers, partners, and prospects face language barriers when communicating with one another?
- Your business and customer satisfaction metrics would be better if your stakeholders could communicate in their native/preferred language(s)?
If you answered True to 2 or more questions, it’s time to take a close look at how you communicate…and call us.
Advantages of Our Communications Solutions:
Our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Solutions are…
*Supporting regulatory and compliance guidelines including but not limited to: ADA 508, 608, 708, Canadian Bills C58 and C81, Title 6, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), SBOX, among others.